
Meditation as a Tool for Weight Loss

When people think of meditation, they often picture very new-age hippie-type people sitting cross legged and breathing.   This has been a huge turn-off to meditation for many people, especially those of us type-A personalities that focus on practicality and results.   It can be hard to see how meditation could actually help us with our weight loss goals or stress reduction.   Questions such as “how do I get started?”   and “where will I find the time?”   can be huge road blocks to getting started. What is meditation ? The actual dictionary definition of meditating is “to think deeply or focus one's mind for a period of time”.   This does not sound too scary.   Many experts in this area describe meditating as training the brain to focus, and to be more present in the moment.   It is training the brain to be less distracted, and to be able to ignore the mental chatter that is constantly present in our minds.   This is a good adjunct to the work we do with weight

How To Meal Prep To Improve Weight Loss

Meal prepping is the idea of cooking all your food for the week ahead of time.   Some people prep their food for the whole week, while some prep for only a few days.   This method lends itself well to anyone trying to lose weight and eat healthier because it decreases the temptation to stray off your food plan, especially later in the week.   When you have healthy, on plan food all ready to go in your refrigerator it makes it easier to overcome the urge to eat take out or make a poor food choice.   Plan a Time Most people do their meal prepping on Sundays because it tends to be the easiest to find a block of time.   It is also closest to Monday, so it sets you up well for work week ahead.   However, many people have alternative schedules and may prefer to prep on a Tuesday morning while their kids are at preschool, or have a day off in the middle of the week.   Others prefer to have 2 meal prep days to break up the work, commonly on Sunday and Wednesday. You

Do Diet Sodas Help You Lose Weight?

I am a recovering Diet Coke addict.   You may think Diet Coke addiction is not a real thing, but I can assure you my addiction met all of the medical definitions of an addiction.   I started drinking Diet Coke in high school, around the time it was reaching peak popularity.   In college and all through medical school, Diet Coke served as my main form of caffeine.   By the time I reached medical school I craved, no – NEEDED, a Diet Coke to start off my day.   This type of addiction was always viewed by others as no big deal, and we would laugh about it as though it was just one of my quirks.   My husband actually bought me a small refrigerator for my closet so I would not have to even go downstairs in the morning to get a cold Diet Coke.   I even had Diet Coke pajamas! Other than the ridiculous cost of my Diet Coke habit (I estimate it was costing $1000 per year, even on sale!) what is the big deal?   Diet Coke, and other diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners o