
Showing posts from October, 2018

How To Survive Halloween Without Gaining Weight

Halloween is hands down my favorite holiday of the year.   I absolutely love making Halloween costumes, and I am blessed with three children who need to dress up!   In the Pacific Northwest, it is usually chilly on Halloween but not so much that you can’t go out and enjoy the evening in a warm winter coat.   When our children were little, we had a tradition of getting together for Halloween treats before heading out together to go trick-or treating.   In those years, I liberally sampled the candy from kids buckets, and of course in the days after Halloween.   If I am honest with myself, we would also go through a couple bags of Halloween candy before we even got to the actual Halloween day.   So how can someone who loves Halloween so much make it through this candy filled week and still stay on protocol? To survive this holiday, as always, takes some planning and preparation.   If you are tempted by the candy, then you will need to get your thoughts about this hol