
Showing posts from January, 2019

How To Journal for Weight Loss

Once you start making it a habit to do daily journaling , the next step is what to write!   People are often stuck on this step, but the truth is it does not matter.   This should be the least stressful part of journaling.   There area few essential rules to journaling for weight loss: It doesn’t matter how you structure it, what you write, or how long it is Grammar does not matter Include a statement of self gratitude every time if possible Do not judge Starting with the first rule - do not overthink it.   The purpose of journaling is so that you can get everything in your brain out on paper.   You need to see what is going on in there to be able to effectively manage your thinking.   You will be surprised what comes out when you sit down and just start writing.   There does not need to be any structure to it.   Some people have elaborate structures and have a template they use each day.   This is only necessary if you want.   You can literally just write the

How To Form the Habit of Journaling

In my last post, I discussed the benefits of journaling and doing a daily thought download.   This is a key piece of successful weight loss that is vastly under-emphasized.   In order to truly have freedom from food, you have to change your thinking and manage your mind.   This means you really need to know what is in there! Many of you may have read about journaling and thought “I’ll just do this in my head.”   Sadly, in most cases this just doesn’t work.   It remains a mystery why either talking to someone about your thoughts or just writing them on paper has such a profound effect, but ultimately it does matter.   What you end up writing on the paper will surprise you, and you need to see it there on paper to fully be able to manage your thoughts and let them go. The problem is, unless you love writing, journaling sounds like a chore. There are so many obstacles associated with it.   Taking the time to sit down and write, where to do the writing, how to actually j

3 Reasons Why Journaling is Essential for Weight Loss

Three Reasons Why Journaling is Essential for Weight Loss You’ve probably seen quite a few blog posts on how journaling is wonderful, and how it changed someone’s life.   We all know that journaling is helpful, but very few of us actually do it.   When I ask my clients about journaling, the overwhelming majority do not journal before starting a weight loss program with me.   If we know that journaling is helpful - why don’t we do it? The answer lies in the mixed messaging surrounding journaling.   What is the purpose?   How do we make it a habit?   What should even be in a journal?   It can seem like a daunting and overwhelming task.   We will tackle these questions in this three part series on journaling for weight loss .   What Is the Purpose of Journaling for Weight Loss? In order to make journaling work for you - you need to be clear on the purpose.   The goal of journaling is for self management and self improvement.   It is impossible to move forward effective

How To Make Time For Meal Planning

How To Make Time For Meal Planning Meal Planning may seem like a daunting task.   For many of us, this is a task we put off until late Sunday out of dread.   There is no doubt though, that meal planning is an essential step for a successful weight loss program. Remember the part of your brain involved in meal planning is the rational part.   It is like the supervising mother for the toddler (primitive brain) that just wants to run free playing happily.   The rational part of your brain wants you to achieve your long term goals, and knows what is best for you.   If you neglect to plan your meals, then when you are tired, hungry, or stressed your primitive brain will try to convince you to grab whatever is available – usually not something in line with your protocol.   If you have already planned ahead, you are much better equipped to stay on plan despite whatever unexpected challenges come your way. How can we make meal planning a priority?   The key is using the abun

How Much Water Should I Drink For Weight Loss?

How Much Water Should I Drink for Weight Loss? We’ve all heard that drinking more water is good for weight loss, and overall health in general.   What most people are confused about is how much water they should be drinking and how it helps us lose weight. How Does Drinking Water Help with Weight Loss? The mechanisms for exactly how water promotes weight loss are controversial.   There have been many theories over the years, but many have failed to give conclusive results when put to the test in a randomized controlled trial.   One theory was that drinking liquids helped stretch the stomach with its volume and resulting in the release of appetite suppressing hormones.   Unfortunately, this theory has not held up well under scrutiny, and in fact 40 minutes after drinking, only 25% of the liquid is still in your stomach.   Another theory was that you had to burn more calories to warm the water up to body temperature, thus using more energy, leading to wei