
Showing posts from February, 2019

How to Avoid the Afternoon Slump

Do you find that you do well eating on your protocol all morning just to be sabotaged by the mid-afternoon slump?   You feel tired, unable to concentrate, and almost automatically reach for something sugary to keep you going through the afternoon.   Before you know it your best intentions to stay on your food plan have given way to a carb heavy binge in a desperate attempt to regain energy. For many people the mid-late afternoon is a time when their planned eating regimens get thrown out the window.   There are two main reasons for this - decreased energy levels as part of our natural daily rhythms and poor decision making capacity in the afternoon. Natural Energy Level Fluctuations Approximately 80% of the population has their best energy levels and mental clarity first thing in the morning.   This peak continues until the early afternoon, about 1-2pm.   Then our energy levels naturally start to dip.   By late afternoon we are at our lowest energy levels of the day.

5 Powerful Quotes to Inspire Your Weight Loss Journey

Jim Rohn was a motivational speaker, author, and coach back in the 1970’s and 80’s.   Chances are you have heard one of his quotes before, but didn’t know it.   He is known as one of the first pioneers of promoting personal development.   Rohn passed away in 2009, but his words continue to be some of the most powerful and motivational. #1 - “Don’t say if I could I would.”   Say “If I can, I will” This is a subtle mind shift that means everything to your outlook on life and weight loss.   Many of you believe that you can’t lose weight, because you have failed in the past.   You have probably told yourself if you could lose weight, you would.   Every person has the ability to lose weight, it is only a matter of finding the right strategy.   Start by replacing that thought with “If I can, I will.”   #2 -“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.” Wishing that

Can I Eat Fruit and Still Lose Weight?

Fruit can be a controversial topic in weight loss.   I am asked about fruit by every one of my clients at some point in their weight loss journey.   For years, we have been told that fruit is a healthy food, and it should be part of everyone’s regular diet. Lately however, with many people paying more attention to carbohydrates, fruit has come under scrutiny.   Those who follow a ketogenic diet eat very little fruit.   The controversy is overwhelming - What is the right answer?   Priorities in Weight Loss First of all, before you even address the issue of fruit in your weight loss program, step back and have a look at the big picture.   If you have a lot of weight to lose, I can almost guarantee that fruit is not the main issue.    Stepping back to the 1,000 feet level, you need to first address any overeating that is happening.   Are you keeping to your 3 meals a day?   Have you stopped snacking between meals and emotionally overeating?   If not, these must be addressed first